One Word For Many
English Vocabulary | English Grammar
We can express the meaning of a group of words appearing in a sentence with a single word. the single word gives the meaning of the group of words in a compact and precise way.
The Following list will be useful to you for answering questions that will be asked on this topic.
💥Group of words or sentence 💥One word
1. Belonging to one's ancestors - Ancestral
2. (A writing) whose writer is not known - Anonymous
3. Liable to be called for accounting one's
action - Answerable / Accountable
4. A place where fish are kept for show - Aquarium
5. One who studies the science which can
find out facts about the remote past. - Archeologist.
6. The life story of a man written by himself - Autobiography
7. Government by one persone - Autocracy
8. A list of books - Bibliography
9. The Science of plant Life - Botany
10. That which gets easily Broken - Brittle
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